Warriors in group #107


(1479 pts)
Stefan Strack
Agony II

Small-interval CMP scanner that bombs with a SPL 0 carpet. This is the good old '88 Agony with some '94 enhancements: - boots off decoy to delay (quick)scanners; erases boot pointer - optimized decoy to avoid self-triggering for more than 6000 cycles Submitted: Sun Jul 31 14:11:05 CDT 1994

(1214 pts)
Ryan Coleman/Philip Kendall
qDeath 2.1

QScan -> Scissor Testing some ideas for CW 66

(1113 pts)
Ryan Coleman/Philip Kendall
qDeath 2.2

QScan -> Scissor Testing some ideas for CW 66

Average Score: 1268