aikidob.red (612 pts) John K. Lewis Aikido.beta wait till @date@ and see. | dev3.red (356 pts) Roy van Rijn Dev3 | inferno.red (549 pts) Josh Yeager Inferno | mobius.red (507 pts) Matt Barnett Mobius | rusty01.red (488 pts) John Lewis Rusty v0.1 Find first paper and stun it where it stands with booted CC | shoggoth.red (324 pts) Bill Shubert Shoggoth 1.1 Crawl through memory, sweeping aside everything in the way. V1.1 - Faster & smaller with a bigger attack range. | swarm1.red (398 pts) WFB Swarm 1 Throws 2-line core clears in the quadrants of the core. Future versions will keep track of the cc's to regenarate them, and will have bombs to use against papers. | windmill.red (266 pts) Calvin Loh windmill |
Average Score: 437