chl_382.red (803 pts) Hillis chl_382 wrapped around once wilk = 95.1 | dev5.red (578 pts) Roy van Rijn Dev5 Silk replicator | evolver2283x1.red (477 pts) Martin Ankerl Evolver 2283x1 evolver2914698x150.red (584 pts) Martin Ankerl Evolver 2914698x150 created with YACE - yet another corewar evolver http://martinus.awhs.at evolver683336x500.red (553 pts) Martin Ankerl Evolver 683336x500 created with YACE - yet another corewar evolver http://www.fhs-hagenberg.ac.at/students/se/se00001/ evolver88x150.red (694 pts) Martin Ankerl Evolver 88x150 created with YACE - yet another corewar evolver http://martinus.awhs.at h1_8.red (746 pts) Dave Hillis h1_8 redrace71200paper.red (837 pts) Dave Hillis redrace_7_12_00 (paper) redrace_h1_22.red (723 pts) Dave Hillis redrace_h1_22 redrace_x.red (948 pts) Dave Hillis redrace x x3_1.red (790 pts) Dave Hillis x3_1 yaksnout.red (777 pts) |
Average Score: 709