antidwarf.red (319 pts) Pieter Audenaert Anti-Dwarf | evolver112407500.red (183 pts) John Dilick Evolver 1/12407/500 created with YACE - yet another corewar evolver http://www.fhs-hagenberg.ac.at/students/se/se00001/ onetwo.red (111 pts) WFB One-Two splits in two, with one process throwing SPL's, and another DAT's only my third warrior, so don't laugh. q2alafranz.red (353 pts) Franz Q^2 ala Franz qscan+jmp 0 testing the qscan spider.red (59 pts) Bill Shubert Spider 1.1 Sit and wait. When the enemy approaches, strike with a small and fast offense. This is an attempt to demonstrate that an extremely complex and long fighter can succeed in the experimental hill. Let's see how it goes. 1.1 mod: Spider gets bored eventually and goes on the offense. spider2.red (100 pts) Bill Shubert Spider 2.0 Sit and wait. When the enemy approaches, strike with a small and fast vampire-trap offense. After an enemy is caught, switch to a simple memory-clearing routine. This is an attempt to demonstrate that an extremely complex and long fighter can succeed in the experimental hill. Let's see how it goes. 1.1 mod: Spider gets bored eventually and goes on the offense. 1.2 mod: Faster scan and sturdier clear. 2.0 mod: Make chains of fangs so I can attack anywhere I want. stalinisdeadtoo.red (174 pts) Max Stahl & Planar Stalin is dead too |
Average Score: 185