clearanc.red (520 pts) Charles clearance .4 Bombs core every 2 addreses then enters core clear. | cmeasures4.red (366 pts) Chris Arguin CounterMeasures V4 A quick SPL/DAT clearer V2 - Added a algorithm to disperse a salvo of bombs first V3 - Improved attack against paper V3.3 - Modified bomb + first-pass coreclear V3.7 - Fixed a really stupid mistake :) V4 - Found better constants... | coresweep.red (697 pts) Franz Core Sweep Sweep the Core | death2.red (408 pts) Scott Manley DeathWalker II Scan -> SPL/JMP bomb -> split to Imp gate / 2 pass forward travelling core clear Wilkinson Benchmark score 44.4 Percentage Record 8/72/20 | deathwalker.red (554 pts) Scott Manley DeathWalker Scan -> SPL/JMP bomb -> split to Imp gate / 2 pass forward | everyclear01.red (475 pts) J.A-Worth Everclear v 0.1 2pass clear | forked.red (804 pts) Ansel G. Sermersheim Forked Lite Ning 4.076 incendiary bombing cmp-scanner Multiple-pass spl/infinite dat coreclear With step size optimized for toasting imps | hybridstunner.red (753 pts) Alex Hybrid Stunner scan -> split bomber -> spl/dat coreclear | jolt03.red (432 pts) J.A-Worth Jolt v0.3 boot->scan->clear v 0.1-original, scan->clear v 0.2-added boot v 0.3-parallelized clear 126->107->62?! | mauvestone.red (416 pts) Travis Bemann Mauvestone spl 0 scan-bomber, 2-pass coreclear, imp-gate | mutagen94.red (482 pts) Scott Manley Mutagen Scan -> SPL/JMP bomb -> split to Imp gate / 2 pass forward travelling core clear | vampdev4.red (145 pts) Roy van Rijn Vamp.Dev4 Carpet bomb Vampire/Coreclear? |
Average Score: 504