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Crafted with jEdit

Statistics for Optmiax Benchmark "fsh94nop"


The Optimax Optimiser program contains one of the most current set of benchmarks available. And each warrior in the benchmark is nicely categorised.

Using the classic paper/scissors/stone benchmark components from Optimax fsh94nop I graded all the warriors in the benchmark against them and generated scores for these three benchmarks. This gave me three dimensions, which I have plotted using gnuplot.

The Results

figure 1 (png format)

The Data

The Datafile: stats_fsh94nop.dat

#0 clr
482 337 453
450 436 385
577 552 397
536 519 450
403 509 392
521 507 371
530 525 373
492 514 422
451 520 326
458 489 402
551 487 446
508 509 377

#1 cds
500 421 499
508 428 458
417 479 483
514 484 518
537 442 503
494 443 440
471 556 479
446 415 422
556 573 486
292 507 400
467 388 474
519 523 481

#2 pap
520 398 528
310 482 477
381 395 522
345 319 526
529 344 547
412 363 535
406 376 523
469 428 511
526 365 543
530 465 511
385 364 541
431 385 551

#3 pwi
434 362 531
475 379 558
445 366 497
427 374 543
427 385 544
455 373 524
477 396 545
434 444 505
509 356 514
454 360 505
417 383 516
555 454 518

#4 pws
626 513 533
640 365 524
641 352 591
552 355 489
589 363 594
630 373 579
597 361 545
575 356 550

#5 sai
517 333 482
621 330 536
566 200 546
625 335 513
682 404 540
609 382 491
595 416 538
571 356 538
598 349 540
606 362 574

#6 sbi
613 399 498
610 381 555
565 382 522
583 393 523
631 344 556
709 305 594
504 296 536
623 388 547
700 330 533
555 421 461

#7 scn
554 402 427
532 457 420
506 503 465
509 587 450
485 527 396
498 387 493
381 587 346
480 617 375
521 615 504
538 374 417
495 562 414
431 488 446

#8 stn
533 415 419
605 474 357
521 343 518
513 418 501
555 347 449
546 381 531
544 411 469
475 434 493
547 329 477
503 426 465
497 323 473
541 406 435

The gnuplot Script: stats_fsh94nop.plt

set multiplot
set xlabel "scanner"
set ylabel "paper"
set zlabel "stone"
splot	'stats_fsh94nop.dat' index 0 title 'Coreclears, Oneshots and Twoshot',\
	'stats_fsh94nop.dat' index 1 title 'Clear-directing Scanner',\
	'stats_fsh94nop.dat' index 2 title 'Paper',\
	'stats_fsh94nop.dat' index 3 title 'Paper with 3/7-point imps',\
	'stats_fsh94nop.dat' index 4 title 'Paper with seperate stone',\
	'stats_fsh94nop.dat' index 5 title 'Stones with a-imps',\
	'stats_fsh94nop.dat' index 6 title 'Stones with b-imps',\
	'stats_fsh94nop.dat' index 7 title 'Scanner',\
	'stats_fsh94nop.dat' index 8 title 'Bomber and Vampires without imps'
unset multiplot
pause -1 "press enter to close window, and start save to png file"
set terminal png
set output 'stats_fsh94nop.png'

Copyright © Will 'Varfar' 2002/2003. All Rights Reserved